
Early Foot Coverings

Shoes As Symbols

Modeling & Creation

Care Your Feet

Outline Of Footwear

Style and Fashion

Footwear Construction

Extra Protection


Evolution Of Footwear

The unique features of the human foot namely, heel, inside arch, and big toe have according to anthropologists made upright posture possible. Standing on two feet allowed hands to develop and some authorities consider this was the reason why the human brain became more complex. The expansion and elaboration of the brain certainly followed the development of the foot by several million years. Bipedal stance has influenced the anatomical development of buttocks and bosoms; legs and thighs, as well as tummies and hips The foot has played a major role in the evolution and development of other erogenous features of the human body. Singularly we remain the only species to be able to copulate standing up and facing each other. Sigmund Freud, considered the development of upright stance led to display the primary and secondary sexual characteristics. Humans had no need to develop a sense of smell because there were greater benefits in perfecting sight. Later, Wilder Penfield, twentieth century, neuro-surgeon identified the parts of the brain responsible for organsmic activity, lay in close juxtaposition to the section responsible for feet. Thereby establishing a strong relationship to support claims of erotic association. Anatomically the foot is one of the most innervated parts of the body and as tactile as the hands. No surprise therefore many people enjoy the sensual aspects of the feet in both pain and pleasure.
Body shape has been determined by bi-pedalism

There are evidences which show that the history of the shoe starts in 10,000 BC, that is, at the end of the Paleolithic period (paintings of this time in caves in Spain and in the south of France make reference to the footwear). Among the utensils of rock of the men of the caverns there are several that were used to scrape the skins, which indicates that the art of tanning is very old. In the Egyptian hypogeus (underground chambers used to multiple funerals), whose age is between 6 and 7 thousand years, paintings were discovered representing the various stages of the preparation of the leather and the footwear. In cold countries the moccasin is the protector of the feet and in hotter countries the sandal is still the most used. The Egyptian’s sandals were made of straw, papyrus or of palm fiber.

it was common to walk bare-footed and to carry the sandals using them just when necessary.

It’s known that only the noblemen of that time owned sandals. Even a Pharaoh as Tutancamon paved footwear as sandals and simple leather shoes (despite the ornaments of gold).

In Mesopotamia it was common raw leather shoes tied to the feet by straps of the same material. The boots were symbol of high social status.
The Greek introduced new fashion as different models for right and left feet.
In Rome the footwear indicated the social class. The consuls wore white shoes, the senators wore brown shoes moored by four leather tapes tied with two knots and the traditional footwear of the legions was the short boot that uncovered the toes.

In the middle age, men as well as women wore leather shoes whose form was similar to the ballet slipper. Men also wore high and short boots tied in the front and in the side. The most current material was the cow skin, but the upper quality boots were made of goat skin.

After the collapse of the Roman Empire, however, nobody adopted the robustness and durability of Roman military footwear, and for over 1000 years soldiers generally wore whatever civilian shoes were available. Even shoes of suits of armour followed the fashion for long pointed toes, and were worn over soft cordwain leather shoes. Foot soldiers, however, went without the protection of armour, and their shoes were more like flimsy slippers than sturdy walking and fighting shoes. From the 11th century half boots with leather covering the foot to about two inches above the ankle began to appear, but they were little more than modified shoes.

Long boots, of varying lengths, were also in use, but did not become common before the 16th century, and were in any case heel-less.

The standardization of the numeration is of English origin. The king Edward (1272-1307) was the first to uniform the measures. The first reference known of the manufacture of footwear in England is of 1642 when Thomas Pendleton provided 4,000 pairs of shoes and 600 pairs of boots to the army. The military campaigns of this time initiated a substantial demand for boots and shoes. In the middle of the 19th century the machines that helped in the confection of the footwear began to appear, but only with the sewing machine the shoe started to be more accessible. From the fourth decade of the 20th century on, big changes in the footwear industries began to happen as the change of the leather by the rubber and synthetic materials. Mainly in the female and infantile footwear

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